
The other day I was in Wal-mart grabbing an item and decided to do a little shopkicking of course. What is shopkicking you ask, only the greatest app on the planet! I go to the checkout and a couple of the items I needed to scan was at the register. The cashier had to wait for me to scan those items so I explained to her that I was shopkicking. She looked puzzled of course because oddly enough there are people in this world that does not know what shopkicks is. I proceeded to explain to her and she immediately starts to make up excuses as to why she doesn’t have time. First was when she shops it is with her 2 year old. So I said how about when you go on break? Well smoking on breaks and lunches is way more important. Now I am like this doesn’t make a drop of damn sense. Why would someone, who is already at the store, not want to get credit or kicks as the app calls them for scanning a few items. Those kicks that you get can be added up and used towards gift cards to shop in stores that you are already shopping in because guess what? You are in the damn store so obviously you shop there. Or in her case work there.

Ok so here is my 30 second elevator talk about shopkicks for those who do not know what I am talking about. No, they are not paying me but that would be nice. I just think that this app is awesome and it requires minimal work. It’s a win win situation people. Shopkicks is an app that can be download to your smartphone or tablet. The whole purpose of the app is to get you to buy things from the stores that have decided to participate. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THINGS! But if you do, more kicks for you. Certain stores allow you to get kicks for just walking in to the store. These stores and other stores allow you to get kicks by scan items throughout the store. If you link your debit card to the app and run it as a credit at checkout, you can receive kicks for your purchases at some stores. Another way to get kicks, if you purchase items and take a picture of your receipt within the app. They will let you know what items are available for these extra kicks. Sounds like a lot but it totally is not. Now what do you do with these kicks? Buy gift cards of course. You can use them towards $5, $10 or $25 gift cards at select stores. What stores you ask (because you have got to be wondering this by now)? Target, Wal-mart, Best Buy, Starbucks, Lowe’s, Gamestop and so many more. Hell if you are patient and can really save your kicks, you can get a TV, Coach purse, even a scooter. Yea, I’m never going to get there.

So in closing there is nothing bad to say about this app, unless it isn’t giving you credit for your walk-ins or it is having some other issues. It has happened unfortunately. I have way more good experiences than bad. Just traded 6250 kicks for a $25 Aerie gift card. My favorite panty store. Aerie is having a 10 for $35 panty sale. Yay! I also had a 20% off coupon and free shipping. So out of my own pocket $5.03. No complaints.

Now this is where I can get paid. Lol. If you are interested in downloading this incredible app, I would appreciate it if you use my link. We would both get 500 kicks. You for joining and me for recommending this app to you. All I need is your email address. You can send it to my email, If you still don’t get it and have any questions feel free to email me your number and I will give you a call. I love talking about shopkicks and helping people get started. If you aren’t interested in the app, I could possibly think that something is wrong with you. But who cares what I think. Happy shopkicking!

Little Things

On my way out of 7-Eleven this morning clutching my free coffee, I had a thought. Little things can tear you down, but it is the little things that can also build you back up. I prayed this morning as I do most mornings. I prayed for a great day. For me to touch people in a positive way. For strength, favor and peace. The prayers are different depending on how I feel when I wake up. Today I was feeling good, just a little tired. I made my normal stop to get coffee and the clerk said, “Is that all you’re getting honey?”
“Yes”, I responded.
“It’s on me honey. Have a good day.”
“Thank you. You too”
Now yes this was something really small, but it made my day.

You know how when something bad happens and you brush it off. Later that day or the next day, something else bad happens. For instance, you get a flat tire. Nothing major, but still annoying as hell. Then later at work, your pen bust on your new shirt. Equally annoying, but still not major. Next day, you can’t get coffee from your favorite spot, 7-Eleven, because someone robbed the store and it’s closed. Ok ok, maybe that wouldn’t bother anyone but it actually happened to me once, so I thought I would throw it in there. Lol. Ok, seriously, the next day you have to leave work early because your kid is sick at school and you must pick them up. Now you are kind of feeling a little like what the hell? Little things. Yet they are starting to add up. It continues like this for the next week or more and you are working toward your breaking point. It seems like something little is always happening and you can’t relax. Urgh….

During this time it is hard to remember all of the little good things that are happening. A customer in the store who pays for your coffee and your donut, just because. Never met him. Your coworker asking you what you want for lunch and its on them. Your boss having flowers delivered to the job for Administrative Professional Day. Your 3-year-old niece inviting you to go on a picnic. And so on and so on. These things can build you up. They are just not as easy to remember.

So to get to the point. As I am coming out of 7-Eleven, $1 richer, all of these thoughts cross my mind. I realize I need to keep a gratitude journal. For as great as I felt in that moment, it was fleeting. Don’t get me wrong, I still had a good day. But every day will not be as such. To allow myself the ability to look on the bright side on these other days, I can keep track of all the small blessings that God has provided for me. I have done this before but fell off after a few days. I am challenging myself and whoever that will read this post to start keeping a gratitude journal. Let’s recognize the little things so that they can add up and build us up. Who’s with me?

Not to discredit the bigger things. They are known to impact our week, our month or even a year in a major way. I recently had a selfless, giving individual bless me with a brand new washer and dryer. When I say that could have been written out on at least two pages of my gratitude journal. I hope that you know that in these moments, big and wonderful or little and fleeting, God hears you and is offering some relief from day-to-day annoyances.

Me, Pt. 1

If I am going to write a blog, I feel like I should tell a little about myself. As I write each week, you will definitely learn more and more things about me. Here is Part I. My name is Ebony Sims and I am 39 years old. I by no means look my age, even though I am not sure what a 39 year old is suppose to look like. I am single, never married or lived with anyone besides my family members. I don’t have children, just a dog, LaRaye aka Lala bka Stinky aka Boo Boo, who has lived with my stepdad for the last 12 years. I am not a terrible dog mom, I just work a lot. He is retired so he can give her all the love and attention she needs. I have not found my purpose and I am consumed with it right now in my life. I do not want to die with whatever greatness God put in me unfulfilled. I am totally aware of things that I am not good at or don’t like, but not sure of what gifts that I have to give.

I love to write but I am not really good at it. I usually think great thoughts but when I go to write them down, it doesn’t come out the same way. I have always wanted to sing but alas I do not have a singing voice. That is probably saying it nicely. But I am kind of determined to master one song well and sing it to my husband at our reception. Lol. I am currently obsessed with being myself and Lisa Nichols. I am the kind of person that is not too many people’s cup of tea, coffee or whatever your favorite drink is. I am really nice professionally but when I am on my time, I don’t want to be that person. I want to be the foul mouthed, outspoken, sarcastic individual that I am in my head. I want to surround myself with people who love and accept me just the way I am right now, not who they want me to be or see me to be. Let’s just say I have pretty much had the same friends since elementary, junior high and high school. I have successfully picked up one other female friend since then. Now I am not including my soul sisters, who attend the same church. I love them dearly. And of course my barbershop family. Those are my people. I love to hang out with them and just act totally ignorant. So I guess I can say that I have accomplished my goal of surrounding myself with people who accept me. Sometimes things are not noticed until put in writing.

The goal that I have left then is to be open to meeting the man that loves me the same way that all these incredible people do. I didn’t say find because I really feel like he should find me. I want one of those moments where he sees me and he feels this overwhelming urge to meet me. And then I of course am attracted to him and feel that I can totally be myself, which I proceed to do and he does not regret that he came over to talk to me. Lol. Or something like that. And no, I do not expect to meet him at a bar. If that was a requirement, I would probably never meet him being as I don’t frequent bars. I always wonder if the person that I will spend the rest of my life with has already crossed my path. Not necessarily someone that I have dated before but maybe someone that I seen in passing. At the grocery store, the library, 7Eleven. I go to 7Eleven every morning for coffee, so I have a pretty good chance of meeting him there. Lol. I didn’t say the gym because I frequent there less than bars. Someday I guess.

Part I is done. I am starting to get excited about my blog again. So more post to come and hopefully sooner rather than later. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share.