2019 – The Year of Me

I am not a fan of resolutions but I am a fan of goals. I have some serious goals for 2019. I recently found a journal entry typed out on a piece of paper. After reading that entry I realized where I was at the end of 2018 is exactly where I was at the end of 2015. This has caused me to reevaluate my life. I can’t say that the things I was interested in changing at that time is any different from right now. My life is definitely different, but the main issues that I had are still the same. Resolved to not do the same things another year. I need a breakthrough. So I have labeled 2019 as The Year of Me. I will have tunnel vision about my goals and objectives. I am set on a path of discovery, honesty with self, vulnerability and relationship with God. I know that I have to get out of this rut. I have to change some fundamental thoughts and actions. Get down to the why of things. So with that being said, it is time to put in some work.

As I stated in Reflections, 2018 wasn’t terrible. I started the year off pretty good, but about 3 months in I was distracted. I never got my focus back. My micro goals were not accomplished, so therefore I didn’t accomplish any major goals. So suffice it to say, I am carrying over goals from last year to this new year. I do not want to negate my accomplishments from last year. I did some things. But not near to half of what I wanted. I do have some new goals as well.

One important goal that I want to accomplish within the first 6 months is to get a mentor. I have never had one. There has been people I admired and looked up to, but have never sought to create a relationship were knowledge and success principles could be shared. It seems that it would be beneficial to speak to someone who is already successful in the industry that I want to pursue. Or someone who is succeeding in an industry where no one else is. Or just succeeding in life in general.

I want love. I want to give love and I want to receive love. I want to meet a man who I want to kiss. I know that sounds crazy, but I’m picky about who I kiss. No walls up, full transparency. Wow 😮! It will never stop being scary for me. I know what I am looking for. The me that I am right now could not handle the kind of love that I am wanting in my life. I am a saboteur. The way for this to be attainable may be therapy. I am so serious about this. There is a possibility that I am broken like a toy, not in spirit. So another one of my new goals is to seek wise counsel. There needs to be someone who has an unbiased view of me to tell me about myself. I know it is going to piss me off, but I will be open-minded. How else will I get to my breakthrough? This goal is one I want accomplished within the first 3 months.

Now this one is a carryover. Debt!!! I am so tired of it hanging over my head. I did work on some of it in 2018, but I barely scratched the surface. In 2019, new micro goals to get things either paid off or paid down. This is a must! I don’t want to live this way any longer. I will not live this way any longer. I will set a 12 month goal of the debts to be paid off and an amount I want knocked off the larger ones. These will be broken down in 3 month increments to give myself an idea on how it is going.

For 2019, create a list of things that you want to see manifested in your life. The goal is to write out your heart’s desire. The things you tell people you want or would do if you won the lottery. One thing I ask is to BELIEVE that it is possible. No negative self talk or doubts! Yes you are deserving of your hopes and dreams. Write it down with it being non-negotiable. Write it down with no plan B. For instance, I want a house on a lake or a river, hell even an ocean. I will not settle for anything less the next time I purchase a home. There is no substitute. Now it may not happen in 2019 but I am believing it for myself. I am still going to write it down, paste it on my vision board for 2019. I will envision myself sitting on my deck or in my breakfast nook looking out across the water, drinking a steaming hot cup of coffee. Now what the rest of the house looks like I have no clue. Lol.

Seriously, I want to see people’s timelines and comments on this post, talking about their achievements, hopes and dreams coming to fruition. Post pictures of your vision boards. I want whatever it is that you want for yourself to happen. I will pray for your dreams and goals. I am your cheerleader in this life. If you need a word of encouragement, I got you. Happy and successful people spread love and joy and this is truly what the world needs right now. As I have said before, the world needs you. I need you. Be well and whole in this blessed year of 2019.

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